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suzan scott
abstracted landscapes
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summerfields (hill)acrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 30x30" 2021 | summerfields (meadow)acrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 30x30" 2021 | summerfieldsacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 24x24" 2021 SOLD |
summerfields variationacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 24x24" 2021 SOLD | summerfieldsacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 20x20" 2021 | rolling viewacrylic & graphite wash on canvas, 12x24" 2021 |
rolling meadowacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 12x24" 2021 | rolling meadow view2acrylic & graphite wash on canvas, 12x24" 2021 | hillanddale meadow (july)acrylic & graphite wash on canvas, 12x24" 2021 |
longviewacrylic & graphite wash on canvas, 12x36, 2022 | cumulus risingacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 12x12" 2021 | early may (sky)acrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 10x10", 2020 |
Cumulusacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 10x10" 2021 | cumulus rising (dark)acrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 10x10" 2021 | august hillacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 12x12" 2021 |
late august no.1 (deep)acrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 10x10" 2021 | meadow (spring)acrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 12x12", 2020 | small meadowacrylic, china marker and graphite wash on canvas, 10x10", 2020 |
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