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at work.jpg a painter, my language is line and color and shape. they are my tools. they are my voice. made visible...


...the question is never what am I looking at; the question is: what do I see?


“I have created a way of art making that combines my interests in art, nature, and science. Nature informs my work and directs my eye; the effects of light, color and atmospherics feature prominently in my work. New visual information constantly presents itself to me. 


Looking closely, I bring an awareness of the moment which plays a critical role in gathering images and impressions used in my art practice.


Often the work begins outdoors with observations, color sketches and drawings. Elements of light, color and shape draw my eye, as do patterns and relationships between objects. 


I work with the images that intrigue me most, searching for just the right degree of abstraction or the truest version of what has presented itself to me. I seek to remove the obvious and allow an open interpretation. 


As I work, I rely heavily on my visual memory and intuition to create my images. My goal is to create work that is not so much time or site specific, but evocative, specific, only to itself.”



Suzan Scott

April 2023

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