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CV   (please scroll down to see complete listing)

Solo Exhibitions:

nature is a state of mind, Souterrain Gallery, West Cornwall, CT

hills & trees, Gilbert Gallery, Miss Porter's School, Farmington, CT

closely observed_loosely rendered, Norfolk Library, Norfolk, CT

summerfields 20-21, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

the view from here, Five Points Center for the Visual Arts, Torrington, CT

shift:revisited, Jamie Gagarin Community Gallery, Oliver Wolcott Library, Litchfield, CT

(somewhere) between memory & intuition, The Loft Gallery, New Preston CT

of the land, Celeste LeWitt Gallery, UConn Health Center, Farmington CT

nightwatch, Green Street Teaching & Learning Center at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Serendipity Gallery, Litchfield CT

(somewhere) between memory and intuition, 224 Ecospace Gallery, Hartford CT

selected new work, The Dirt Salon, Hartford, CT

marking time, EBK Gallery [small works], Hartford, CT

Vitamin A - Art 2013 365 smallworks,The Dirt Salon, Hartford, CT

marking time, Northwestern Connecticut Community College Gallery, Winsted, CT

Vitamin A (Art) selected days, The Dirt Salon, Hartford, CT

aerial roots, Jamie Gagarin Community Gallery, Oliver Wolcott Library, Litchfield, CT

The Weather Project: Selected Works, CT DOT Atrium Gallery, Newington CT

selected works, Waterbury Hospital Art Gallery, Waterbury CT

The Weather Project: Selected Works, Ruth Ann Lever Atrium Gallery, Fine Arts Center, NVCC, Waterbury, CT

The Weather Project, Stevens Gallery, Homer Babbidge Library, UConn, Storrs, CT

raw data, Kohn-Joseloff Gallery, Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, CT

Storm Series - Expanded Views, The Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

The Weather Project:Storm Series, Hamden, CT

The Weather Project:September 2006 , Hamden, CT


Selected Group Exhibitions - Members or Curated:

Five Points Arts Center, Critique Group Member Show, The Annex Gallery, Torrington, CT

Art Party of the Year, New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT

Members Exhibition 2021, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT

Out of the Blue, Canton Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

The Lay of the Land, Members Exhibition, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT

Sixtieth Anniversary Exhibition, Canton Gallery on the Green, Canton CT 

Out And About Virtual Exhibition, Essex Art Association, Essex, CT

New Blooms, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT

Degrees of Separation, New Haven Arts Council Sumner McKnight Crosby Gallery, New Haven, CT

elemental landscapes: Kathleen Jacobs & Suzan Scott, Stockman Gallery, New Britain, CT

color + construct -  Jon Eastman + Suzan Scott, Drezner Visitors Gallery, Farmington Arts Center, Avon, CT

Salon - 10 Regional Artists, Hartford Fine Art & Framing, East Hartford, CT

Three Women: Kate McAllister, Dawn Nolan, Suzan Scott, Gallery 526, Collinsville, CT

the white show, The Loft Gallery, New Preston, CT

Small Works, Handwright Gallery, New Canaan, CT

Overhead Under Foot, John Slade Ely House Contemporary Art Center, New Haven, CT

Earth & Sky, Mercy Gallery, Richmond Art Center, Loomis Chaffee, Windsor, CT

red, ETC: The Ellen Traut Gallery, Hartford, CT


Invitational Exhibitions:

Group Exhibition, The Bistro, Chamard Vineyards, Clinton, CT

By Invitation: Small works, Blue Mountain Gallery, Chelsea, NY, NY

Works on Paper: Invitational, Blue Mountain Gallery, Chelsea, NY, NY

Washington Art Association, Members Show, Washington Depot, CT

Small Works Show -19 Regional Artists, Hartford Fine Art & Framing, East Hartford, CT

the white on white show, The Loft Gallery, New Preston CT

snowflake salon: biennial winter invitational 2014,110 Church Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Opening Gala, The 224, Conference of Churches, Hartford, CT

Robin Alexander, Ltd. - A Gallery, Group Show, Kent, CT

Self, Women's Caucus for Art, The Kohn-Joseloff Gallery, Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, CT

Yale Medical Group Art Place Gallery, New Haven, CT


Selected Juried Exhibitions: 

The Voice of Art - Members Winter Show, The Gallery at the Litchfield Inn, Litchfield, CT 

Juried Exhibition, Warren: The Secret Garden, The Voice of Art, LItchfield Inn, Litchfield, CT

WAA Juried Members Exhibition - New Blooms, Washington Art Association & Gallery, Washington Depot, CT 

Life on Standby - Art of the Quarantine, True Grit Art Gallery, Marlborough MA

Out N About Virtual Exhibition, Essex Art Association, Essex, CT

Nor'Easter 50th Annual Juried Exhibition, New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT

Life on Standby-Art of the Quarantine, True Grit Art Gallery, Marlborough, MA

52nd Annual Open Juried Exhibition, Canton Artists Guild, Gallery on the Green, Canton,CT

CT+6 Regional Juried Show, West Hartford Art League, West Hartford, CT

Five Points Juried Small Works Show, Five Points Annex, Torrington, CT

46th Annual Open Juried Show, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

Water to Wine Juried Exhibit, The 224 Gallery, Hartford, CT

Sacred Time/Sacred Space, Still Point Art Gallery, Brunswick, ME

Members Juried Exhibition, New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT

CT Women Artists 81st Open Juried Show, Slater Gallery, Norwich, CT

CT Women Artists Juried Show, Gallore Gallery, Middletown, CT

President’s Show, Open Juried Show, Kent Art Association, Kent, CT

Members II Juried Exhibit, Kent Art Association, Kent, CT

CT Women Artists Juried Show, Mystic Arts Center, Mystic, CT

CT Women Artists 80th Open Juried Exhibition, Jorgensen Gallery, UConn, Storrs, CT

Open Juried Show, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

Artworks Summer Juried Show, Artworks Gallery, Hartford, CT

CT Women Artists 79th Open Juried Exhibition, John Slade Ely House, New Haven, CT

CT Women Artists 78th Open Juried Exhibition, Mystic Arts Center, Mystic, CT

Exploring Spirituality, National Open Juried Exhibition, FCCA, Fredericksburg, VA

Annual Open Juried Exhibition, Artist’s Gallery of Columbia, Columbia, MD

Open Juried Exhibition, Clubhouse Gallery, West Hartford Art League, West Hartford, CT

CT Women Artists 77th Open Juried Exhibition, John Slade Ely House, New Haven, CT

Members Juried Show, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

B.A.R.E. - Regional Artist Exhibition, Juried Show, Pfizer Global R&D, Groton, CT

Extreme format: Juried Drawing Show, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

National Small Works Exhibition, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT


Traveling Exhibits:

The Sketchbook Project, Art House Co-op, Nationwide Traveling Exhibition (USA)


Awards & Citations:

Juror's Award, Themed Juried Exhibition, Warren: The Secret Garden, TVOA, LItchfield Inn, Litchfield, CT

Honorable Mention, International Juried Exhibition, the ArtisTTable Online Gallery

Smith Edwards McCoy Architects Award, 46th Annual Open Juried Exhibition, Canton Artists Guild, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT

Juror’s Award for Outstanding Art, Open Juried Exhibition, The 224 Gallery, Hartford, CT

Award of Excellence in any Medium, Members II Juried Exhibit, Kent Art Association, Kent, CT

Town of Southington, Council Citation, Artist of the Month

Nancy Cloutier Memorial Award, National Small Works Exhibition, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT



Cheshire Land Trust, Farmington Land Trust, Loomis Chaffee School, Martina Animal Sanctuary, UConn Storrs, Yale Art Place, Yale Medical Center, and numerous private collections throughout Connecticut and New York.


Artist Talks:

Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Winsted, CT

Syntax Mixed Media Artists, Mercy Center, Madison, CT

Naugatuck Valley Community College, Waterbury, CT

Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, CT

Green Farms Elementary School, Westport, CT

Kohn-Joseloff Gallery, Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, CT

Southington Library & Museum, Southington, CT



Panel Discussion, Art and Science, "Coffee in the Studio', with Steven Durbach, Matt Broome & Suzan Scott, June 22, 2020  (YouTube)

Interview for Solo Show, the view from here, at Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT June 26, 2020 (available on website)

N.F. Amberly, Interview, ‘New Attic Studio Space in Litchfield Inspires Visual Artist’, LCT, February 2, 2015

Interview, ‘Art Talks’ November 2013, with JoAnne Bauer, West Hartford Community Television, West Hartford, CT

Sacred Time/Sacred Space, Still Point Arts Quarterly, Winter, 2012

Image reproduction, Flyer  for Hartford Open Studios, November 2011

Image reproduction, Ad for Hartford Open Studios, Hartford Advocate, November, 2009

Stephen Hard. “Downtown Gallery Provides Unique Holiday Gifts”, New Britain Herald, November 12, 2009

John Rook. “Weather, Clouds & Sky form Artist’s Endless Inspiration”, Cheshire Herald, April 16, 2009

Staff Writer. “Art Exhibit 'The Weather Project-Storm Series' in Canton”, Register Citizen, March 9, 2009

Staff Writer. “Scott to feature exhibit at City Brew Pub”, Good News about Torrington, January 24-25, 2009

Artists Directory, 2008-2009, Artspace, 2008, p. 260

“Talking and Painting about the Weather”, Southington Observer, July 3, 2008


Other Professional Activities:

Juror Kalaveshi Arts Gallery, Smallworks Exhibition, Avon, CT

Guest Curator, SSG Six Summit Gallery, Ivoryton, CT

Visiting Artist, For All Ages, Simsbury, CT

Judge, Juried Members Exhibition, Art League of New Britain, New Britain, CT

Judge, Annual High School Student Art Exhibit, Kent Art Association, Kent, CT

Street Artist, pre-show event, Connecticut Forum: Creative Minds, The Bushnell, Hartford CT

Visiting Artist, Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, CT

Juror, Open Juried Show, Firehouse Gallery, Milford, CT

Visiting Artist, ArtSmart Program, Green Farms Elementary School, Westport, CT

Judge, Student Art Exhibit, Cheshire Academy, Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, CT

Independent Curator, Arts Publicist, Cheshire, CT

Art Handler, Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT

Assistant to the Curator of the LeWitt Collection, Chester, CT



Arts Alliance of Woodbury, ArtSpace New Haven Artist Directory, Canton Artists Guild, Kent Art Association, Washington Art Association.


Gallery/Art Consultant Affiliations:

Ellen Prindle, The Hen's Nest Gallery, Washington Depot, CT; Leo Feroleto, SSG Six Summit Gallery, Ivoryton, CT & New York, NY



Plein Aire Workshop, Eric Aho, New Britain Museum of Art, New Britain, CT

Independent Study/Critiques, Zbigniew Grzyb, Artist

Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT, Bachelor of Arts, Painting/Art History, Summa cum laude

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